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Главная » 2010 » Май » 4 » visual custom kick ™ 24E (HOT)
10:27 visual custom kick ™ 24E (HOT) |
Advanced Visual Custom Kick ™ was released as a beta version on 2007, as the new year 2008 began, it had already many less bugs and a big community about it. The amount of people using it is constantly increasing and, of course, it is freeware. Furthermore it is a serious project, and you don't risk getting malware onto your computer by using thousands of different tools, if you can have all in one!
- Supports Windows Vista - Kick players conveniently with /vkick *Part of Playername* - Very fast kicking - No need to tray Warcraft III to kick someone - Doesn't need many system resources - Constantly updated - AutoUpdate functions - AutoUpdate on startup (if wished) - AutoInject when Warcraft starts - Loader can be minimized to tray - Settings are stored - Kicks on LAN - Convenient interface - Automatically write game modes - Reduce the start countdown (the red numbers 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...) - Reduces the latency - Alerts you when your game is full - Refreshes your game (Custom botnames, custom colors) - Is very easy to use and well documentated unlike other Warcraft 3 Programs http://visualcustomkick.com/download/VCK-v4.0.2.zip
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Добавил: qwert118
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